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Termidor® SC Termiticide/Insecticide is 100% effective at controlling termites in three months or less. That's why since its introduction in 2000, pest management professionals have made Termidor America's leading termite control, with over 4 million structures treated.

Termidor® eliminates termites by both ingestion and contact, and is lethal to termites simply through contact with other Termidor®-tainted individuals. And because Termidor® is a non-repellent - undetectable to termites - the pests freely forage through treated areas, unknowingly ingesting, picking up and transferring Termidor® throughout the population. It's the product's unique "Transfer Effect," allowing Termidor® to achieve 100% control of termite populations at the very low rate of just 0.06% active ingredient.

For years, the same nonrepellent, undetectable technology that has made Termidor® SC termiticide/insecticide America’s #1 termite defense has also proven highly effective in controlling many species of nuisance ants. Ants are controlled through genuine Transfer Effect technology when they freely cross through treatment areas they become donors of the treatment when they return to the colony resulting in complete colony elimination. Now, Termidor® SC termiticide/insecticide is labeled for a broad range of other frequently encountered general pests, like spiders, cockroaches, paper wasps, earwigs and millipedes.

SALE PRICE of $616.00 / bottle from 10-1-23 to 10-31-23, extended terms available for qualified customers

Case Qty 2 / CASE
Manufacturer BASF PEST CONTROL SOLUTIONS [view products, website]
EPA# 7969-329
Active Ingredient Fipronil
Label BAS59021351_termidor_sc_320_label_021923.pdf
SDS BAS59021351_termidor_sc_320_sds_021923.pdf
Chemical Classes Pyrazole
Target Pests Termites
Use Residential and Commercial Structures Outdoors Use ONLY
Application Apply this product only as specified on this label.
Not For Sale To


Termidor® SC termiticide/insecticide has low water solubility, low odor, and won’t damage water-safe surfaces. Its easy-to-use formulation is suitable for all low-pressure power, backpack, hand-held sprayers and foamers. Best of all, Termidor significantly reduces nuisance ant and general pest callbacks.

General Directions For Termite Control:

Step 1: First, you will need to determine how much Termidor SC you will need for your application. Measure your treatment area in square feet. You can find your treatment area’s size by measuring its length and width in feet, and then multiplying the results together (length x width = square feet).

For termite trenching, measure the perimeter of the structure in feet. Termidor SC can be mixed between 0.4 fluid ounces per gallon of water to 1.6 fluid ounces per gallon of water depending on the desired dilution ratio. For most applications, we use 0.8 fluid ounces of Termidor per gallon of water for a 0.06% dilution. For general exterior surface spraying, one gallon of Termidor dilution will treat about 1,000 square feet. For termite trenching, you will need 4 gallons of Termidor dilution to treat 10 linear feet.

Step 2: For exterior surface applications with a one gallon sprayer, fill your sprayer about a quarter of the way full. Then add 0.8 fluid ounces of Termidor SC to the tank. Fill the sprayer the rest of the way with water to the one gallon mark, and then shake the sprayer to agitate and create a thorough mix.

For termite trenching applications, mix 0.8 fluid ounces of Termidor per gallon of water in a bucket up to 4 gallons. It is easier to use a 5 gallon bucket so that it will not be filled to the brim and willl help prevent spilling. To create a 4 gallon solution, you will need 3.2 fl. oz. of Termidor (0.8 fl. oz per gallon of water).

Step 3: For exterior surface applications, apply Termidor SC as a low pressure, coarse spray. Spray up to an 18-inch wide band around common insect entry points, such as around doors, windows, vents, where plumbing penetrates the walls, where wires enter the structure, and any other openings. Also treat the perimeter of the house or structure by spraying where the ground meets the foundation, spraying one foot up the structure and one foot out.

For termite trenching applications, dig a trench around the structure’s perimeter 6 inches wide and 6 inches deep. Hang on to the displaced soil as it will be used to backfill the trench after application. Because you will be applying 4 gallons of Termidor solution per 10 linear feet, it is helpful to create a dam with the soil every 10 feet of trench to section off each 10 foot stretch. Pour your finished Termidor solution in each 10 foot stretch. Then backfill by replacing the displaced soil. Be sure to pack the soil down for adequate distribution.

Termidor SC can be used to treat pre and post-construction of commercial, industrial, institutional, and residential structures and utility enclosures. It can be used on exterior surfaces, in voids, exterior crawl spaces, perimeter trenches, under concrete slabs, and in interior wall voids.

Use Termidor SC for both treatment and prevention of termites and other listed pests. Apply Termidor on calm days when rain is not in the immediate forecast. Do not treat water-saturated or frozen soil. For general pest control at a 0.06% dilutions, Termidor is limited to only be applied 2 times per calendar year.

Termidor SC is safe to use around pets and children when applied according to label directions. Everyone should be kept off the treated area until it is completely dry. Always wear proper personal protective equipment (PPE) when applying.

It is important to properly identify the targeted termite species. Termidor SC is labelled for a variety of termites, but is not labelled to control Formosan termites.

Termidor SC is intended for Outdoors Use Only. Refer to the Product Label for interior application for termite control only!

Refer to the Product Label for complete mixing and application methods.

Termidor® SC termiticide/insecticide has low water solubility, low odor, and won’t damage water-safe surfaces. Its easy-to-use formulation is suitable for all low-pressure power, backpack, hand-held sprayers and foamers. Best of all, Termidor significantly reduces nuisance ant and general pest callbacks.

General Directions For Termite Control:

Step 1: First, you will need to determine how much Termidor SC you will need for your application. Measure your treatment area in square feet. You can find your treatment area’s size by measuring its length and width in feet, and then multiplying the results together (length x width = square feet).

For termite trenching, measure the perimeter of the structure in feet. Termidor SC can be mixed between 0.4 fluid ounces per gallon of water to 1.6 fluid ounces per gallon of water depending on the desired dilution ratio. For most applications, we use 0.8 fluid ounces of Termidor per gallon of water for a 0.06% dilution. For general exterior surface spraying, one gallon of Termidor dilution will treat about 1,000 square feet. For termite trenching, you will need 4 gallons of Termidor dilution to treat 10 linear feet.

Step 2: For exterior surface applications with a one gallon sprayer, fill your sprayer about a quarter of the way full. Then add 0.8 fluid ounces of Termidor SC to the tank. Fill the sprayer the rest of the way with water to the one gallon mark, and then shake the sprayer to agitate and create a thorough mix.

For termite trenching applications, mix 0.8 fluid ounces of Termidor per gallon of water in a bucket up to 4 gallons. It is easier to use a 5 gallon bucket so that it will not be filled to the brim and willl help prevent spilling. To create a 4 gallon solution, you will need 3.2 fl. oz. of Termidor (0.8 fl. oz per gallon of water).

Step 3: For exterior surface applications, apply Termidor SC as a low pressure, coarse spray. Spray up to an 18-inch wide band around common insect entry points, such as around doors, windows, vents, where plumbing penetrates the walls, where wires enter the structure, and any other openings. Also treat the perimeter of the house or structure by spraying where the ground meets the foundation, spraying one foot up the structure and one foot out.

For termite trenching applications, dig a trench around the structure’s perimeter 6 inches wide and 6 inches deep. Hang on to the displaced soil as it will be used to backfill the trench after application. Because you will be applying 4 gallons of Termidor solution per 10 linear feet, it is helpful to create a dam with the soil every 10 feet of trench to section off each 10 foot stretch. Pour your finished Termidor solution in each 10 foot stretch. Then backfill by replacing the displaced soil. Be sure to pack the soil down for adequate distribution.

Termidor SC can be used to treat pre and post-construction of commercial, industrial, institutional, and residential structures and utility enclosures. It can be used on exterior surfaces, in voids, exterior crawl spaces, perimeter trenches, under concrete slabs, and in interior wall voids.

Use Termidor SC for both treatment and prevention of termites and other listed pests. Apply Termidor on calm days when rain is not in the immediate forecast. Do not treat water-saturated or frozen soil. For general pest control at a 0.06% dilutions, Termidor is limited to only be applied 2 times per calendar year.

Termidor SC is safe to use around pets and children when applied according to label directions. Everyone should be kept off the treated area until it is completely dry. Always wear proper personal protective equipment (PPE) when applying.

It is important to properly identify the targeted termite species. Termidor SC is labelled for a variety of termites, but is not labelled to control Formosan termites.

Termidor SC is intended for Outdoors Use Only. Refer to the Product Label for interior application for termite control only!

Refer to the Product Label for complete mixing and application methods.

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